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Study of Man anatomy class 8 Mar 21, 2021

This week, the eighth graders are wrapping up their anatomy main lesson studies. Why do we bring anatomy to this age group?

 Steiner says, in Study of Man, “If you want to study how the world reveals itself in the outer bodily forms of the world, you must study the arms and legs, hands...

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Tapestry of Stories storytelling Feb 27, 2021

Each week in our classes is woven together on a tapestry of stories. The power of storytelling is so expansive, yet, the inspiration and the capacity for storytelling live in all of us. Children reap so much from the storytelling moments that expand their capacities for imagination and...

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Waldorf Education Form Drawing form drawing Feb 11, 2021

Why do I love Form Drawing? It is a beautiful exercise that gives so much to the student. It develops handwriting skills, special awareness, coordination, relaxation and a sense of security…and, it’s FUN!

Form Drawing is like a sport, as you move from one side of the paper to the...

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Social Painting painting Jan 10, 2021

Artistic work, especially watercolor painting, has some miraculous curative properties. Spend some time truly lost in moving color around with your paintbrush, not caring about the outcome (that can be the tricky part!), and you will see what I mean.
Artistic work can also be curative in social...

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Painting With Children painting Dec 29, 2020

Painting with children in the classroom is one of the many aspects of classwork that fills the room with a sense of sacred work while paintbrushes dance gracefully across the wet paper guiding the colors into forms in space. As the color is experienced through the feeling life; in the process of...

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