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Movement in Your Waldorf Homeschool Education movement Sep 17, 2021

What a most wonderful way to start our day. A day filled with strong rhythm and routine brings focus ,calm and trust to children. There is a feeling of safety and boundary within the children. One of the  aspects of Waldorf education I have warmed to most is Circle time ,or Movement time. It...

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The Beauty of the Bridge relationships Sep 06, 2021

I recently had the pleasure of working with colleagues on the theme of “Bridge Building” as task of a teacher / parent. We came across the story of the Peruvian Incas that still keep an ancient tradition alive in the building and raising of grass bridges across great ravines in the...

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Waldorf Education From Stories to History history storytelling waldorf education Aug 30, 2021

The Waldorf curriculum is based on the child’s development. It aims to support and enrich each childhood developmental phase. Understanding these phases are a prerequisite to provide meaningful support to the child on their journey to adulthood, by providing them with the right learning at...

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Creating a Waldorf Rhythm rhythm waldorf lifestyle Aug 21, 2021


As we approach the new school year, my email is often filled with questions about rhythm. Some families are homeschooling fully on their own, others are working with us in Seasons of Seven and still others have their children in a brick and mortar setting. No matter how you are schooling,...

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Copper Rods in Eurythmy eurythmy Jul 31, 2021

I love the copper rods! They are an extremely useful tool for eurythmy. With the copper rods, we are able to encourage motor skills, posture, agility, and dexterity for each stage of development of the child. It allows us to come into our bodies in a healthy way, while also assisting with...

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Class 3 Building and Farming building class 3 farming Jul 05, 2021

Class 3 Building and Farming:

The class 3 child is most beautiful enigma. The will grows strong within them and they find themselves grounded in the world. There is a quiet strength and a questioning that arises from within the child. They are in awe of the world around them...

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Midsummer/St. Johnā€™s Tide! festivals midsummer st. john Jun 17, 2021

Midsummer/St. John’s Tide!

As summer reaches her warming rays towards us in the Northern Hemisphere, we reach another turning point, a point where we reach out into the world to our fullest, embracing all that nature and summer has to offer. Many people celebrate this festival by enjoying...

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Biographies biographies class 6 class 7 class 8 May 11, 2021

After the 12 year change, the students' relationship to the world has once again encountered a metamorphosis, and subsequently, our teaching must change, too. The stories and mythologies from the younger years, which have seeped the children in a feeling for the great cultural epochs, is now...

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The Human and Animal World class 4 man and animal May 05, 2021

Have you had a child go through the 4th grade Human and Animal block and wonder to yourself, What the heck is a Head Animal? Or a Trunk Animal? Why teach 4th grade children about the animal kingdom in such an unusual way? Although it may seem odd at first, looking at the animal world in terms of...

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Waldorf Festivals festivals Apr 26, 2021

A very magical aspect of the school journey lives in the rhythm of the seasons through the year and the festival celebrations that connect us all to nature and our families and communities. Over time, these special celebrations bring to life and create small and large traditions, connections, and...

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Threefold Walking eurythmy threefold walking Apr 17, 2021

Threefold walking is a basic eurythmy movement. It is super important to understand not just the “how to" but the “why” we do it. When we walk around in our daily lives, we are walking with purpose. We are trying to get from point A to point B.  Some of us...

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Sculpting and Modeling modeling Mar 27, 2021

Sculpting and modeling forms out of dough, clay, plastelina, beeswax, and so on is one of the many beautiful and important aspects of our class journeys. While many items children create are lovely to look at, the beauty and the importance of this work lie really in the experience of the work...

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