Do Seasons of Seven Families Have an Opportunity to Meet in Person?

festivals Nov 21, 2023

Can Seasons of Seven Families Meet Up in Person?
YES, when you become a Seasons of Seven Family you have access to our directory. 

Our school directory is voluntary for each family to decide if they would like their contact listed. 
Visit the directory anytime to check for local families in your area.

Going on vacation? Check the directory to see who will be in that area!

How about school wide gatherings?
Ms. Daniela hosted our first in person gathering for her Grade 4 and Grade 6 families. 

How did it go from a Seasons of Seven family perspective?
"When Ms. Daniela released the information for her first in person gathering we asked our child if he would like to join. It didn't take but a second for him to respond YES. He was excited to see how tall Ms. Daniela was in real life, share stories with her and meet some of the kids he has gotten to know through the weekly zooms. As a parent, I had been attending weekly office hours and meeting the fellow parents in person was such a special experience. Even though we had never met in person it felt like we had been family friends for years. Meeting in person brought a special kindling to the fire of how our journey with Seasons of Seven will continue for years to come." 

We hope you enjoy a short glimpse of a Martinmas Festival Gathering weekend. 

Learn more about our school HERE.

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