Summer Classes for Waldorf Homeschool Students and Parent's
Mar 04, 2024You asked and we added more classes on our summer line up + classes for Waldorf homeschool parents!
Have you wanted to learn more about Waldorf Education, holistic Waldorf parenting, and child development?
Do you want to have a more harmonious home with rhythm, compassion, and discipline?
Do you want to understand Steiner and his vision of education that considers the spirit, soul, and physiology of children as they grow?
Holistic Waldorf Parenting Summer Study Class
Sun Garden
This curriculum will not be focused on academics as those are at rest during the summer, however, it will focus on storytelling and puppet plays, handwork, painting, modeling with different materials, drawing, a knitting project, and sewing. We will also focus on movement and I will share different outside activity suggestions, hiking prompts, and fun verses for jump roping. For larger projects, we will tie-dye, wet felt, and create a summer-long alphabet project to use in future classes.
Ensemble Music Classes with Mr. Mark
Lovely Earth
During this summer class offering, students will work with wool felt and roving to create a model of the globe with gestures forms of the oceans and the continents. In the process, the students will begin developing a relationship to the Earth leading up to the geology, mineralogy, and earth-centered astronomy main lesson experiences coming their way in the school year ahead. The class will carry us on the wings of stories and verses inspired by Earth’s beauty while our hands create these wool art pieces, and our hearts reach out to each other as we discover where on our woolen models our class friends live.
Wish, Wonder & Surprise
In this summer class, we will meet every week to have fun with creative writing exercises inspired by
Memories (week 1)
Wishes (week 2)
Wonders (week 3)
Surprises (week 4)
Eurythmy Class with Ms. Tiffany
This class is a parent education class to help the adults in the lives of all children taking eurythmy. In this class we will explore each of the eurythmy consonant gestures. Not only will we learn how to form the gestalt of the gestures, we will discuss what it is that makes each gesture unique. We will dive into the meaning of each, what gives them its own formative and creative forces, and then learn to use them in a therapeutic way. Along with this, we will learn the colors behind each and how it helps us to feel into each gesture. By the end of this class, not only will you understand the importance of eurythmy and the gestures, but also have a deeper understanding of the connection between human beings and the earth, and mankind and community.
Will you be joining a summer class?
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