Finding the Gift That is Waldorf Education: How Do We Adapt as a New Family?

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Waldorf Education for beginners and homeschoolers

I have been a Waldorf teacher since 1999 and I will never forget the first day I walked into a Waldorf classroom. I was in awe of the simplicity and the beauty. I saw happy children running around the schoolyard and climbing trees at dizzying heights. Here in the tree tops they were Norsemen, on big ships, battling the wind. I saw children playing and using their imagination in wonderfully creative ways. I felt so moved, inspired and above all intimidated. I looked at the blackboards in wonder. The work was bright, beautiful and just amazing.

I had mentors that guided me through the amazing curriculum and the daily rhythm. I felt as if I have never taught a day in my life. I had to practice writing on the board, painting with water colors, knitting, carving wooden bowls, drawing, sketching, beeswax modeling and following my class into the Eurythmy room was always a special occasion.

There was so much to learn and see. I questioned my mentor daily, hoping that I would be a good Waldorf teacher, wondering "do I have what it takes". I soon found out that the rhythm of the day assists the teacher and the students alike. It is familiar, safe and perfect.

Many new families join Seasons of Seven and have an array of questions regarding Waldorf education:
Where do we start?

Will it suit my child?

I do not draw well....

Will my child catch up?

We are fortunate to meet Parents every week and can discuss aspects of the Curriculum and what the focus needs to be.

I believe in 3 steps that can assist new parents:

  1. RHYTHM:
    Create a daily schedule that you stick to everyday.
    Wake at the same time, eat at the same time and start your Main Lesson work at the same time.This brings structure, form, motivation and discipline to your day.Children feel the safety of this structure and they welcome it. Always find time to move. Do this before you begin your work for the day.

    Read all you can about the curriculum to get a good understanding of what is covered and more importantly why. The Ancient Myth stories bring vivid pictures and images and assists in creating a relationship to History.This goes for all the Main lessons covered.

    Do all the artistic activities alongside your child. Even as an adult you will find such meaning in an activity and you too will hone your skill alongside your child. Be kind to yourself in all your efforts. When you keep trying your child will watch, and do the same.

This Education system is vast and robust.The curriculum will inspire and move you and what makes this so beautifully unique is that it addresses the development of the child throughout all their classes.This journey does not end. It shifts and it changes. You too will be inspired by the richness of the stories, the Myths and study of Science through practical observation and the golden thread that courses through the pages of History will speak to you.

Mr. Siepker
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